搜索 Gallner

  • 美洲狮公司
    A story of love, sex... and high school tuition. Meet Sam Lowell. Friend, lover, student, teacher... and owner of his very own escort service. Along with his "mother's little helpers" Sam learns about love and life in this sophisticated take on the classic high school sex comedy that explores a generation…
  • 在《守望者》(Watchmen)中扮演蒙面侠客罗夏的杰克·厄尔·哈利(Jackie Earle Haley)将在新线公司新版的《猛鬼街》(A Nightmare on Elm Street)中扮演弗莱迪(Freddy Krueger)!《猛鬼街》系列电影一共9部,讲述了梦中杀手弗雷迪会潜入别人梦中兴风作浪,最后以最凶狠的方式把他们送上西天。此次的新版《猛鬼街》不是续集,而是从头再来。…