搜索 Younes

  • Moments before his capture by police, a thief digs a grave to hide a bag of money. Released from prison years later he returns to retrieve the bag, only to find a shrine to an Unknown Saint build directly over his loot, and a brand new village constructed all around it.
  • After the murder of her two Scandinavian friends in Morocco, A Russian blogger decides to do her own justice.
  • 库尔德族少年阿尤(Rojin Younessi 饰)家在两伊边界,他每天带着年幼的妹妹,以及罹患侏儒症的哥哥到混乱的人力市场讨零工补贴家用。某日,他们的父亲误触地雷身亡,哥哥的病已不能再拖下去,妹妹上学又需要练习薄,悲痛的阿尤不得不更加卖力地挣钱,于是他向叔叔借来了骡子,每天在冰天雪地里运货,牲口在上路之前必须喂食掺酒的水激发体力。…
  • 一面应对多份工作,一面追求一炮而红——单口喜剧这条路可不好走。但这四个朋友将不惜一切,只为博得人们一笑